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まるで丸くて丸のようなとっ ても丸いライチュウのぬいぐるみ
Roundest of Round Very Round Raichu Mirage Plush
Origins Unknown
LOOK AT THIS POTATOCHU. JUST LOOK!!! There are many things one can say about this Raichu, who I will call "Raichu von Pokemon", which sounds fancy, and also is what his listing was titled. Raichu von Pokemon, you are a mystery. Please also feast your eyes on his twin, who has varied shades of orange and yellow as compared to the original. Who are you and why is your palette slightly altered, Raichu von Pokemon's twin?
PS: You win the prize for "Raichu plush most resembling Raichu's original design", his Red/Blue sprite. It's true -- Raichu really was originally a round blob with limbs and ears. REPRESENTING.
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